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    Quotes4u 1.40. - Author Info Page

    Description: Qyuotes4u downloads and converts EOD stock data. futures into every format... (more)

    Author Info for Quotes4u 1.40.

    Author/Company Name: DITEC International

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.databull.com

    Programs listed: 3

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    DataBull downloads stockquotes into any technical analysis software program. DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical, end-of-day and intraday data. DataBull directly passes the data into your TA-software. DataBull allows you to download data from over 50 international exchanges. This breadth of financial data was heretofore either unavailable to the individual investor, or required a serious monthly financial commitment to secure.
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    DataBull Pro iconDataBull Pro 1.40   (Downloads: 355)
    DataBull Pro downloads and converts EOD and Intraday data into every format. DataBull Pro downloads and converts free EOD data into every format like Advanced Get, Metastock, Hermes, Supercharts, Excel, ASCII, PRN, Omnitrader and hundreds more. It downloads free Intraday tick data in Metastock Pro format. It is the perfect download tool for free data. It downloads from 50 stock markets, 5 future markets and the FOREX market. Easy to use, fast and reliable. 24 Hours support and data monitoring....

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