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    C: \ Web Development \ Flash Tools \ CellSoftNet Menu Maker 1.2 \ Author

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    CellSoftNet Menu Maker 1.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Create impressive Flash menus... (more)

    Author Info for CellSoftNet Menu Maker 1.2

    Author/Company Name: CellSoftNet

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://cellsoftnet.com

    Programs listed: 5

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    Screen saver Maker iconScreen saver Maker 2.2   (Downloads: 267)
    Create impressive screen savers with built-in flash animations in minutes. 1000+ Flash animations built-in to the program.
    10 Flash video players + skins.
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    Flash buttons
    The Screen saver Maker V2.2 provides an easy way to create your own screensavers. Simply select the objects and drag into place. All objects can be resized and placed anywhere on the screen. It is easy to build a fully customizable screen saver with your own photos and hundreds of built in flash eff...

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    CellSoftNet Page Builder iconCellSoftNet Page Builder 2.2   (Downloads: 274)
    Create impressive fullscreen Flash webpages. Page Builder V2.2 has all that is required to make a fullscreen webpage maximum 1260 x 768 or multiple pages. No complex programming required, just drag the objects into place either from within the program or import them. To help get you started 100 fully functional templates are built into the program. You can modify the templates in what ever way you choose including adding your own photos, a 1000+ animations (the list is growing), text, music, etc. The flash pag...

    CellSoftNet 360 Rotating Banner Tool iconCellSoftNet 360 Rotating Banner Tool 2.2   (Downloads: 359)
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    100 templates.
    Make 3D full screen web pages.
    Make 3D screen savers.
    30 Pages of Flash buttons

    The 360 degree Rotating Banner Tool is a powerful application that helps you create impressive 360 degree parallax rotating panoramas, banners, tickertapes and screen savers for your website and desktop. Parallax is achieved , placing cutout images at different levels then rotating each layer at a different s...

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