Subclassing ActiveX 1.0 (Downloads: 425)
enables the subclassing of window forms, i.e. the execution of their messages The control element accomplishes a subclassing for a window stated by its handle. The window function is the function of a window, which completely determines the behavior of the window (and thus the reaction of the window to user inputs). This window function is replaced by another function by the Subclassing component. This function then can be freely defined in the Message event of the Subclassing control element (MS Windows API programming). It is possible to ei...
SenCopy ActiveX 2.0 (Downloads: 513)
provides a licensing mechanism for shareware and gives out text of the author SenCopy protects programs and components, for example ActiveX, given out for shareware purposes by displaying a copyright message window. The window typically informs the user about the following: Who has developed the program / component, a limitation of liability, a forbade of distribution, that the program is a demo version until the appropriate key is entered. Besides informing the user the message window cripples the version, for the user has a little bit of ef...