Other Shareware Releases in Business - Databases & Tools |
WTD Real Estate Agency 1.0.0 (2008-02-29) new
A must have organizer for real estate agents.
SQL Database Repair Free 1.0 (2011-11-10) new
The SQL database repair service, powered by SQL Database Repair Free.
OraDump Export Kit 4.1 (2011-04-28) update
convert oracle dump files into MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, MySQL, MS SQL
Viobo MSSQL to Access Data Migrator Pro. 1.0 (2011-03-06) new
Tiny tool for MSSQL data migration to Access. DBA experience is not necessary.
HOA Tracking Database Software 2.4.1 (2014-02-07) update
HOA Homeowners Association Management Database Software
EziFiler 1.00.0034 (2009-05-05) new
Enter form data to your business systems. Don't retype information- EziFile it.
D-Softs DB Compare (2011-06-14) update
Database Compare,Data Compare tool,sort sync scipts with database dependencies
odbc2xls 3.1.1 (2009-08-17) update
odbc2xls ODBC table extraction to Excel XML, CSV, HTML via GUI of Command Line
SafeDee Password Safe - Desktop Edition 2.3.1 (2006-05-29) new
A secure encrypted Password Safe for storing passwords, pin numbers, etc.
DBConvert for Excel & MS SQL 1.0.0 (2009-07-17) new
Convert Excel data/sheets to MS SQL database and back to MS Excel with DBConvert
Access To PostgreSQL (2011-01-30) new
Convert your Access database to a PostgreSQL database or dumpfile
SQLMerger 2.1 (2007-12-10) new
SQLMerger enables you to compare and merge data from two databases visually
EMS Data Pump for PostgreSQL 3.0 (2009-02-17) new
Converting databases from an ADO-compatible source to PostgreSQL databases.
DBF Fix Free 1.0 (2011-10-31) new
DBF Fix Free for how to recover DBF deleted from FoxPro today fast!
PowerDBTools 2.2 (2012-02-08) update
Powerful database management tool.
Wavefile Russian 3.5 (2017-09-01) update
Wave file Russian native speaker toned with 13,450 words.
Wavefile French 3.5 (2017-09-01) update
Wave file French native speaker with 28,933 words. For privat or commercial use.
EMS Data Export for InterBase/Firebird 3.3 (2010-02-17) update
Program to export data from IB/FB databases into the most popular formats.
Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server 2.0.0 (2013-01-27) update
Retrieves the data from damaged mdf files, created by MS SQL Server platform
YellowPageRobot Australia Edition 0.88k (2014-02-24) new
Direct Marketing. From web page to database in one click yellow pages Australia
Access-to-DB2 1.1 (2009-11-16) new
Access-to-DB2 is a program to migrate MS Access databases to DB2 server
MySQL-to-Access 4.1.5 (2012-02-10) update
MySQL-to-Access is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS Access format.
OraDump-to-MySQL 4.1 (2011-04-28) update
OraDump-to-MySQL is a program to convert Oracle dump files into MySQL database.
DBF Open File Tool 2.0.0 (2013-03-01) update
Opens corrupted DBF files and saves data into clean databases of same format
PHP Code Generator 1.5.0 (2008-11-07) update
PHP code generator for MySQL databases
Access-to-MSSQL 3.1 (2009-05-24) new
Access-to-MSSQL is a program to move MS Access databases to MSSQL server.
DBBlobEditor 4.1 (2012-03-16) update
DB Blob Editor is a database blob field edit tool
OraLoader 4.1 (2012-03-12) update
OraLoader, Save Your Oracle importing/exporting work.
Repair Access Database Free 1.0 (2011-10-03) new
Repair Access Database Free for MDB accessrecovery easily and quickly by anyone
Automobile Dictionary English German 1.8 (2017-09-01) update
Automobile industry Dictionary English German, SQL, Excel, Access