2D / 3D CAD Import .NET: DWG, DXF, PLT 8.0 (Downloads: 400)
CAD Import .NET - read AutoCAD DXF/DWG, PLT, CGM in MS Visual Studio CAD Import .NET is a library for smart CAD developing in Microsoft Visual Studio. It contains managed code only and displays drawings with GDI+ methods. CAD Import .NET is a powerful tool for integration of CAD into DBMS, drawings analysis, vector graphics processing and monitoring systems development. The library provides wide capabilities for cost calculation for the necessary equipment by its drawings.
Supported formats:
CAD Export VCL 8.0 (Downloads: 238)
CAD Export: Easy DXF PLT CGM SVG SWF PDF export in Borland Delphi / C++Builder CAD Export VCL is an easy-to-use high-quality multi-functional source code provided component for using in Delphi/C++Builder applications. CAD Export VCL is a pack of several powerful classes that can be used in applications that give users ability to generate AutoCAD DXF, CGM, Hewlett-Packard PLT/HPGL, PDF, SVG and SWF files.
CAD Export VCL:
* provides direct export to AutoCAD DXF, Hewlett-Packard PLT/HPGL, CGM, PDF, SVG and SWF file formats
CAD Import VCL 8.0 (Downloads: 316)
DXF DWG PLT HPGL SVG CGM Import for Borland Delphi and C++Builder developers CAD Import VCL is a high-quality multi-functional source code provided component for using in Delphi/C++Builder applications. Support of more than 30 both raster and vector formats is provided, including AutoCAD DWG, DXF, DWF, Hewlett-Packard HPGL, PLT, HGL, CGM, SVG, TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF etc.
CAD Import VCL:
* supports all known CAD formats (DWG/DXF up to 2011, PLT/HPGL/HPGL-2, CGM, SVG, DWF, PS Adobe)
* provides easy access ...