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FontShow 2000 3.6 (Downloads: 187)
Preview and print fonts with this easy-to-use viewer. FontShow is a small program useful for viewing and printing the TrueType fonts installed on your system. Options are included to display user-specified sample text in place of the normal font name and alphanumeric character set. The size and face of the currently selected font can be quickly changed and the result displayed automatically. A printed copy of the font can also be produced. The selected font's metrics can be viewed in a small font properties window by s...
File Editor 2000 3.8 (Downloads: 277)
View and edit any file using this ASCII / Hexadecimal editor. FxEdit is a small file utility that allows you to view and modify binary files. You can search for specified hexadecimal and ASCII strings. Most commonly used menu commands are available on the application's toolbar ribbon. File Editor can be configured to optionally place its program icon in the taskbar notification tray....
File Shredder 2000 4.3 (Downloads: 167)
Completely remove sensitive files from your disk drives. File Shredder is a small utility that will completely erase the contents of sensitive files and folders that you specify. Normal file deletion only removes a file's directory entry, but leaves the data contained in the file on your disk drive. File Shredder completely overwrites the contents of a file and then deletes it. To shred files and folders simply drag them to the File Shredder icon in the same way you would the Recycle Bin. You can also shred files by right...
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver 2.9 (Downloads: 287)
Try this free Graphics Screen Saver Phantom Desktop Screen Saver, when activated, hides all application windows, desktop icons and the MS Windows taskbar, replacing them with an empty desktop. This empty desktop can be the standard wallpaper image, or a custom bitmap and can also be optionally configured to dissolve to a simple black background....
Disk CleanUp 2000 5.2 (Downloads: 180)
Disk CleanUp is a small disk utility designed to clear previously deleted files. Disk CleanUp is a small disk utility designed to clear previously deleted files. Deleting a file will normally just remove the file's directory entry, but the data itself still remains on the disk. CleanUp will completely eliminate the contents of your deleted files. Disk CleanUp provides options to specify an NSA approved disk erasure method and background execution priority. Disk CleanUp works with any FAT16 or FAT32 hard drive, as well as MS Windows NTFS volumes...
Unit Conversions 2000 2.6 (Downloads: 247)
Quickly convert units of measure from one system to another Unit Conversions 2000 is a small utility that will allow you to quickly convert units of measure from one system to another. Facilities are included to convert various Lengths, Weights, Volumes, Areas, Density, Power and Scale measurements....
Stay Live 2000 3.1 (Downloads: 502)
Keep your Internet dial-up connection alive. Does your Internet Service Provider drop your dial-up connection after what seems like only nanoseconds of account inactivity? Stay Live 2000 keeps your Internet Dial-Up Connection active and on-line by periodically sending a small TCP/IP packet to one of the many Atomic Clocks maintained by the United States Government. Sending these small packets prevents your ISP from dropping your connection due to inactivity. You may also optionally select to have your computer...
CardBase 2000 3.8 (Downloads: 358)
Store names, numbers and web sites in this address book and dialer. CardBase is a small, easy to use, address book and phone dialer that makes a nice replacement for the standard MS Windows Cardfile. Along with the regular fields for names, addresses and phone numbers, CardBase can also store email addresses, FAX numbers and web site URLs. CardBase can be configured to launch your favorite web browser, FAX manager, word processor and email tools. Up to five custom tools can be defined and assigned to your choice of fields on a card....
Programmer's IDE 2000 3.1 (Downloads: 247)
Manage your computer programming and HTML projects Programmer's IDE 2000 is a small utility that creates an integrated development environment (IDE) for C/C++ and Assembly language programs and libraries. Very useful for running MS DOS based development tools from MS Windows. You will need your own Language Compilers, Assemblers and Linkers to use this application. Programmer's IDE 2000 can also be used for the development of embedded system applications. Just specify the tools you use for Intel or Motorola microcon...
Tray Tools 2000 2.6 (Downloads: 314)
Quickly launch programs from the icon tray Tray Tools allows you to place up to 24 program icons in the Taskbar Tray. Program icons that you place there can be launched by simply clicking your mouse on them. To add new programs or modify existing items click your mouse on the small red toolbox icon displayed in the tray. You can also modify an existing program icon by right-clicking on it directly from the Taskbar Tray....
NoteBook 2000 5.5 (Downloads: 234)
Store notes and to-do list for easy reference. NoteBook is a small program useful for keeping short notes and lists. The main window displays a table of contents built from the first line of each notebook page. Double-click on an entry in this table to display and edit the specific note. Notes can be easily marked and sorted by priority. Search and Replace text in individual notes or throughout an entire note pad. NoteBook can also be used to store web site URLs, eMail addresses, and telephone numbers. NoteBook ...
Screen Loupe 2000 5.8 (Downloads: 203)
Screen Loupe is a small utility that displays a magnified view of the desktop Screen Loupe is a small utility that displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the mouse cursor, much like a jeweler's or printer's loupe. You can copy the contents of the Loupe window to the clipboard as well. The captured image can be pasted into any graphics program and most word processors. Screen Loupe's main viewing window can be resized, and an option is included to lock the current view. This makes Screen Loupe a great screen capture utility. The cur...
BattleStar 2000 3.5 (Downloads: 174)
Destroy invading aliens before they overrun the Galaxy. BattleStar is a small single-player game similar to the classic BattleShip. The BattleStar game board is a 9x9x9 grid representing a 3-D galaxy. The galaxy contains 927 sectors, 60 of which contain enemy warships. You must locate and destroy these enemy invaders before they can establish bases in the galaxy....
DLL Show 2000 5.5 (Downloads: 186)
List DLL dependencies for all running processes. DLL Show is a small utility that displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies. Click your mouse on a listed task or process to see the DLLs that process uses. DLL Show displays comprehensive information about all running processes including memory load, priority and the DLLs they depend upon. DLL Show can also be used to display a list for all DLL and OCX modules installed on your system. DLL Show can be configured to optionally place its icon...
Slot Cars 2000 2.8 (Downloads: 175)
Create an inventory of your slot cars or models Slot Cars 2000 is a small program used to create a detailed inventory of your slot car collection. Slot Cars 2000 will record information about each car in your collection. Along with catalog and model information, you can also record acquisition dates, prices and current values, chassis and motor modifications as well as track and testing results. Slot Cars 2000 was designed to create detailed inventories of slot car collections, but it can also be used to inventor...
Kart Data 2000 3.0 (Downloads: 261)
Download this free kart chassis setup utility. Kart Data 2000 is a small freeware utility that will calculate various kart chassis settings including gear ratio, track speed and corner weights based upon the information you specify. Facilities are also included to create Gear Ratio Charts on your printer. This software can calculate setups based upon either Metric or U.S. Standard measures....
Error Messages for Windows 2.9 (Downloads: 232)
Look up MS Windows error codes. MS Windows Error Messages is a small utility that will allow you to look up MS Windows error code numbers and display a descriptive message explaining what the numeric code actually means. If you have software programs that produce numeric error codes now you can find out what they really mean. Error Messages for Windows also provides a facility to display or print all of the error codes and messages defined for your version of MS Windows....